Community Education
and Workshops
Lifelong Learning is a Key to Success
Current Workshops
Feb 19, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM
Alzheimer's Basics - Single Day - IMPACT Activity Center
Alzheimer's Basics - Single Day Workshop
Learn the basics: Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging. Join us for an hour to learn more about memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. The presenter will share information about Alzheimer's detection, causes, risk factors, stages of the disease, treatment, and more.
Presenter: Alzheimer's Association SW Desert Chapter
Please feel free to drop-in if you have not had an opportunity to preregister.
Mar 06, 2018
1:30-3:30 PM
Matter of Balance - IMPACT Activity Center
Matter of Balance
The eight session course, offered by PCOA, meets every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: twice a week for four weeks in March.
This award winning program, offered nationwide, emphasizes the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of falling. You will learn to: view falls as controllable | set foals for increasing activity | make changes to reduce fall risks at home | exercise to increase strength and balance.
Who should attend: anyone concerned about falls | anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength | anyone who has fallen in the past | anyone restricting activities because of falling concerns.
IMPACT will be covering the fees for this course which pay for workbooks, materials and snacks.
Take advantage of this opportunity now!
Presenter: Pima Council on Aging Staff
An Evidence Based Healthy Aging Program
Potential Workshops
dependent upon community interest
Gathering contact information of interested people
Alzheimer's Support Group in Catalina - VISTA UMC
Alzheimer's Support Group Forming
Let us know if your are interested...
This valuable opportunity is for both the Alzheimer's patient and family members who want to learn more about what it is like to live with this condition which effects more and more people in our community each year. The group is divided into two teams; those with Alzheimer's and their family members. Each gathers in separate but neighboring classrooms to meet with facilitators to share and learn.
Due to space specifications, this workshop will be held at Vista de la Montana Methodist Church in Catalina, near Oracle and Golder Ranch Road.
Off-Site Location: 3001 E Miravista Ln, Tucson, AZ 85739
Presenter: Alzheimer's Association SW Desert Chapter
Gathering contact information of interested people
Parenting Class Series Forming: Tips for Raising Autistic and Hearing Delayed Children
Tips for Raising Autistic and Hearing Delayed Children
Parenting Class Series Forming
Let us know if you are interested
This amazing class is wonderful for teachers and parents alike. Tips on how to raise children with Autism and those who are hearing delayed will make home and school life much less stressful. Imagine how effective it would be if parents and teachers used the same techniques and systems at home as at school! We have sponsored this course before, and parents raved about the skills they developed and the resources they received. If you are interested in more information, click the blue button to the right to let us know. We may form a summer session so teachers and parents can learn together. Share this information with a friend or colleague you know who works with an Autistic child, or one with hearing issues.
Presenter: Blake Easter Seals Staff
Teachers earn CEUs for this course
ESL and Citizenship Classes

ESL Classes
IMPACT offers ESL classes in Catalina on Wednesdays; both morning and evening sessions. Registration for classes is in September. Classes begin the first week of October and run through mid-May. These free classes are open to anyone in our community who wants to learn, or improve their English speaking and writing skills. A registration form can be found on our IMPACT Applications website page.
IMPACT ofrece clases de ESL en Catalina los miércoles; ambas sesiones de mañana y tarde. La inscripción para las clases es en septiembre. Las clases comienzan la primera semana de octubre y duran hasta mediados de mayo. Estas clases gratuitas están abiertas a cualquier persona de nuestra comunidad que desee aprender o mejorar sus habilidades de habla y escritura en inglés. Se puede encontrar un formulario de registro en nuestra página web de aplicaciones IMPACT.

Citizenship Classes
Volunteers teach all the necessary US History and Civics lessons needed to successfully pass the US Citizenship Test. This is the last gate on a long path people take, over a period of many years, to become US citizens; a path that costs the typical immigrant family of four $10,000 in fees for Visas and other documentation. If an interested and US Homeland Security qualified resident lives in our service area, and his or her IMPACT teacher is confident they can pass the Homeland Security interview and test which are taken in English, IMPACT will pay the $705 test fee, helping low income families over that last hurdle to Naturalization. Typically, IMPACT facilitates citizenship for three individuals each year.